Monday, August 22, 2011

What do you believe

The message at church yesterday was this....

Believe what you believe...Walk what you believe...and let the chips fall where they may.  If you are able to do this as Paul did, you will have peace in spite of any circumstance.

 The life of Paul is an example to each of us on how to WALK out what you believe!  Before he had his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus...he was bold is his belief that all those who followed and dared to believe in this risen Jesus should be prosecuted and killed.  He chased Christians and had them executed...he fully walked in the belief that he held...and did so with boldness.

Paul also walked with the same boldness AFTER he encountered the Lord on his journey; he himself was beaten, jailed, mocked and he was in danger of death many, many times for his boldness - for his belief - for the way he chose to walk it out!  What Paul held as Truth was vividly walked out for all to see....what he believed was the "common" people, to the religious people, to those in government and to the Kings;  Paul walked what he believed!

So as I thought about this yesterday it occurred to me....would others be able to accurately state what I believe by how they see me act or respond or interact with those around me?  That is a tough question!

If we are to use Paul as an example, as the Word of God says, than I have failed.  You see, I believe with every fiber in my being that the Bible is the Absolute Truth and the inspired Word of God.  So then, how should I live this belief out?

The life of the one who has chosen to be a Christ Follower should be radically different than the one who has not....shouldn't it? most certainly should :)

The church...this body of people who believe...need to have their foundation shaken by their King!

It is time for us to make the decision to walk out what we claim we believe...ARISE CHURCH!!!  Let's be the Light that we are called to be and let our life shine like the life of Paul.....


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