Monday, October 28, 2013

The treasure found in Psalm 34

Psalm 34:4

I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.

Okay....this verse has much more meaning and depth after stopping to really look at and attempt to define the English words.  Also, the Hebrew words add to our understanding of what God is telling us; they are as follows:
  Sought = to resort to, to seek with care, to frequent, to consult
  heard = to answer, respond, testify, speak, shout, to dwell, to sing, utter tunefully
  delivered = to snatch away, rescue, to recover, to be torn out or away
  fears = what is feared, terror, fear

The verse begins with a statement  "I sought..."  so let's seek to find the definition of the word "sought":

English go in search or quest of, to try to discover, as by studying, to search or explore.

The Hebrew word used here is "darash" and is a primitive root word.  The meaning is ... to resort to, to seek with care, to frequent, to consult.

Okay, there is an action on our part associated with this word...a repeating or recurring action, not just a one time, or occasional happenstance.  David is saying that he went on a quest, that he studied to discover...he explored (he went searching and looked with purpose)...he frequented Jehovah!  

We have been given the living Word of Jehovah to study...and we can frequent Him when we talk to Him (prayer) and while we are studying and exploring His Word!   The Lord tells us through King David one of the keys to living our walk of faith....we frequent Him to consult Him about our day.  We seek Him continually with purpose!

As we do our part, The Lord tells us His part.....Jehovah "heard"  Now at first glance, this could seem like God simply "perceives the sound" of our voice.  However, upon closer examination - or exploration - we find that this word has deeper meaning!  The Hebrew word is "anah" and means to answer, respond, speak, shout, testify, to dwell, to sing, utter tunefully.

YES...God responds to us as we explore Him :)  Jehovah's part is an active response to our effort of searching for Him.  He does more than hearing the sound of our voice....He answers...He responds!  What is His response?  He delivers us!  

The meaning of "delivered" here means to snatch away, rescue, save,to be torn out or away, to recover. The English definition is to bring to or transport to the proper place.  How comforting is that notion!  The Creator answers us  and He snatches us away or brings us to the proper place!.

The verse states that Jehovah delivers us from all of our fears - those things that we fear, real or imagined. This verse gives us hope! 

To re-word this verse in light of what we have learned, it would sound something like this:

I frequented the Lord as if I was an explorer on a quest to study in order to discover Him and as a result, He heard me. Jehovah answered me and He snatched me away from those things in my mind that cause me to be afraid.  He brought me to my proper place by rescuing my mind, my emotions and my will.

We can be rescued from those things that torment us - from those things that cause us unease in our mind and emotions.  We can be brought back to our proper place of thinking as He renews our mind.  We simply have to go on a quest as if seeking treasure.  What is this treasure? you may ask.....great question!

The treasure is His gift of PEACE!

May you be compelled to go on your own quest....may you be encouraged as  you go searching for Jehovah...and may you not quit until you experience His response! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Being Still.....

Let me ask you a very simple question....are you ever still?  When you sit, do you fidget or are you simply still?  Let me rephrase that question......Can you be still?  Most people find it very hard to simply sit...still; yes, I mean fingers drumming, foot tapping, knee bouncing, hair twirling, lip motion.....being still.  Now ask yourself this...Why are you not still?  The answer may surprise you!

God says to us " still and know..." that He is God....what is He saying here?

The Hebrew word for "still" is this verse it is the hiphil imperative verb which means to let drop, abandon, relax, refrain, forsake:  to let go:  to refrain, let alone:   to be quiet.  The imperative verb here is meant as an order or command.  Therefore, God is commanding us "to be quiet" !

I think it implies that we are not to complain or grumble as the Jews did while wondering in the desert; we are to be refrain from what may be let go of our desire to criticize and relax in the midst of our troubles.  When we can control ourselves long enough to NOT walk in the flesh...we will "know" that He is God.

The word "know" in this verse is the Hebrew word yada` this verse it is the Qal imperative verb which means:  to know: learn to know: to perceive: to perceive and see, find out and discern: to discriminate, distinguish: to know by experience:  to recognize, admit, acknowledge, confess: to consider.

Once again this is an order or a command.

God has given us the answer to why many find it difficult, and even painful, to be still.  It is when we are still....when we relax...that our spirit is allowed to learn to know and to discern that He IS!  How incredible is that!  

Although this is an incredible concept, it is a very difficult task to accomplish.  When we cease from our motion/actions, we are able to perceive that God is there....and that can be a bit uncomfortable for some and down right scary for others.  However, this is when He reaches down from Heaven and touches our brokenness....this is when His Hand takes ours and He leads us to Himself.   The journey is different for each of us yet the result is the same....if we allow Him to touch us in that moment, He will begin the process of restoring us to before we were broken. 

BEFORE we were broken...this is the point in your life before your heart was hardened, broken, shattered, calloused, abused, misused, etc.  You may not be aware of when this happened specifically, but the One who knitted you together and knew you before you were born knows exactly when it occurred.

It is not a coincidence that the One who knows that very moment in your life is also known as Jehovah Rapha....the Lord your Physician!

So again...when was the last time you dared to "be still"?  May I remind you that  this is not a suggestion but rather a command ;)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Healthy Fear

Psalm 34

This psalm is about the happiness of those who trust in God. Verse 7 struck me this morning as it says "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them."

"The angel of the Lord" is simply that - a representative or messenger of Yehovah.
"encamps" has the meaning of to encamp, to pitch a tent. 
"all around" means on every side, circuit.
"fear" in this verse the main usage of the word actually means afraid, to fear, fearful
"delivers" is to remove, to draw out, equip (for war), arm for war, rescue

This gives us the sense that God's representatives have come to us and have "pitched their tents" all around us...they have literally encircled people....but not just anyone; the qualifier, if you will, states that those who FEAR Him will be encircled and drawn out or rescued or equipped for battle.

I have heard it taught that the fear of the Lord is a reverent of honor but not to be mistaken with being afraid of the Lord. However, in this verse it is plain that, Yes, those that are afraid or have a healthy fear of Yehovah shall have His representatives sent to encircle them and to deliver them.

So the question you actually fear God? Are you afraid in the slightest of what the consequences are for your actions? Or do you believe that "we are under Grace" so it does not really matter? and if so, how is that working out for you?

This verse is in the Old Testament, but it is clear that we are not only to honor or have reverence for God but to have a healthy fear of Him as well....after all, He is Holy and has called all those who have claimed to be a follower of Him to also be Holy. 

1 Peter states that we are to be holy for He is holy and to "pass the time of your sojourning here in fear". Sojourning there refers to your dwelling in a strange land; we are not citizens of this world once we have been born again. Fear in this verse refers to dread, terror or fear.

There is more to living out our life of Faith than simply giving it lip service...we should have a real fear of the holiness of the God we serve!  If we do not have such a fear, I dare say that we need to re-examine our relationship with God.  Who is the God that we say we serve afterall?

It is in each individuals best interest to delve into the Word of God and to seek Him personally!  It is not enough to attend church services or read books about what others believe about God.  NO!!!  Take the time and effort to study His Word yourself and to seek Him until you find Him so that He can tell you and show you His Heart.

This life of Faith that we each walk out is a personal walk with a Holy Being that we can call friend....however, a friend is someone that we have invested time in and with not simply someone we have heard about.

So today, I urge you to re-examine your relationship with God.  

He is gracious and merciful and is waiting for each of you to seek Him individually so that you can have that "one-of-a-kind" relationship with your Father!
