Monday, October 28, 2013

The treasure found in Psalm 34

Psalm 34:4

I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.

Okay....this verse has much more meaning and depth after stopping to really look at and attempt to define the English words.  Also, the Hebrew words add to our understanding of what God is telling us; they are as follows:
  Sought = to resort to, to seek with care, to frequent, to consult
  heard = to answer, respond, testify, speak, shout, to dwell, to sing, utter tunefully
  delivered = to snatch away, rescue, to recover, to be torn out or away
  fears = what is feared, terror, fear

The verse begins with a statement  "I sought..."  so let's seek to find the definition of the word "sought":

English go in search or quest of, to try to discover, as by studying, to search or explore.

The Hebrew word used here is "darash" and is a primitive root word.  The meaning is ... to resort to, to seek with care, to frequent, to consult.

Okay, there is an action on our part associated with this word...a repeating or recurring action, not just a one time, or occasional happenstance.  David is saying that he went on a quest, that he studied to discover...he explored (he went searching and looked with purpose)...he frequented Jehovah!  

We have been given the living Word of Jehovah to study...and we can frequent Him when we talk to Him (prayer) and while we are studying and exploring His Word!   The Lord tells us through King David one of the keys to living our walk of faith....we frequent Him to consult Him about our day.  We seek Him continually with purpose!

As we do our part, The Lord tells us His part.....Jehovah "heard"  Now at first glance, this could seem like God simply "perceives the sound" of our voice.  However, upon closer examination - or exploration - we find that this word has deeper meaning!  The Hebrew word is "anah" and means to answer, respond, speak, shout, testify, to dwell, to sing, utter tunefully.

YES...God responds to us as we explore Him :)  Jehovah's part is an active response to our effort of searching for Him.  He does more than hearing the sound of our voice....He answers...He responds!  What is His response?  He delivers us!  

The meaning of "delivered" here means to snatch away, rescue, save,to be torn out or away, to recover. The English definition is to bring to or transport to the proper place.  How comforting is that notion!  The Creator answers us  and He snatches us away or brings us to the proper place!.

The verse states that Jehovah delivers us from all of our fears - those things that we fear, real or imagined. This verse gives us hope! 

To re-word this verse in light of what we have learned, it would sound something like this:

I frequented the Lord as if I was an explorer on a quest to study in order to discover Him and as a result, He heard me. Jehovah answered me and He snatched me away from those things in my mind that cause me to be afraid.  He brought me to my proper place by rescuing my mind, my emotions and my will.

We can be rescued from those things that torment us - from those things that cause us unease in our mind and emotions.  We can be brought back to our proper place of thinking as He renews our mind.  We simply have to go on a quest as if seeking treasure.  What is this treasure? you may ask.....great question!

The treasure is His gift of PEACE!

May you be compelled to go on your own quest....may you be encouraged as  you go searching for Jehovah...and may you not quit until you experience His response! 

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