Monday, August 22, 2011

Pruning....God's Handywork

I learned something new this year about tomato is best if you prune them during the season!  I had no idea that a tomato plant could or should be pruned; according to the experts, the plants produce more fruit (the tomato) when it is pruned.  They have offshoots called "suckers" that grow and compete with the main stem for nutrients and energy....a battle, if you will, to become the 'main' stem.  If left untouched, these suckers can cause the plant to become heavy, cumbersome and even out of control; the fruits will be smaller as well.

The plant that is pruned and has those 'suckers' removed actually prevents the plant from becoming too heavy and falling and/or splitting.  In the event the plant falls, the main stem can become damaged and hinder any further growth and/or bruise the fruit that was already set on the vine.  Pruning should be done with care so as not to damage the plant as well as to only remove those "suckers" that will eventually hinder it's growth.

The unattended tomato plant can grow large and 'bushy' hiding its fruit as it forms and matures on the vine; however, a plant that is pruned is able to shoot upward allowing its fruit to be seen, to be noticed and even admired by those watching the plants progress.
Hmmm...that reminds me of something, now what could that :O)  The Lord prunes us as well...He is our Master Gardener!

He does so in a manner that we may not understand or one that we clearly recognize as His handy work in motion.  Just as the plants in our gardens or yard produce much more fruit once we as followers of Christ are able to reflect more of His Character once God's Loving Hand is finished picking away that which hinders our growth.

The life of the Christian who allows God to prune their walk is similar to the tomato...their fruit may have started to blossom but its hidden by the abundance or overgrowth of attitude, wrong thinking, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, etc - the 'suckers' of the plant.  But the life of one who allows the Hand of God to pick away those things that are not beneficial or to prune the "suckers" from their life is a life that shoots upward bearing much fruit along the way.

It is best to prune the plant when the suckers are just forming; the longer the wait, the more embedded they become and the process of plucking it is more difficult to the plant.  We are no different....the earlier we allow God to uproot and pluck away those things that hinder our walk...the easier the process.  It is when we wait and are not quick to agree with God about something that the roots take hold and the plucking becomes more of a struggle when asked to release it to Him...

The Master Gardener knows us each so well that He knows just the time and manner in which to prune our life.  Each one of us is different and the process that works for one might not work for someone else and God understands this for He created each of us...He knows which areas to prune at just the right time in order for us to bear much fruit!

What is the fruit of the Christian walk?  That is the subject for another post :)

Won't you allow the Gardener of your heart to gently manage His soil?  Submit to God and watch  your life blossom into something that takes your breath away :O)

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