Monday, May 22, 2023

It's Okay to BE You

We are not supposed to "do" anything; we are simply to "be".

A lot of people think that they have to do things to be accepted by God....that simply is not Truth.

Consider the woman at the well in John 4...Her story is beautiful!

She was confused but she knew that “the Anointed One” was real. She was an outcast to society yet He stopped at the well to wait for her to come to it. When she arrived, He was welcoming, compassionate, understanding and was not concerned with any of her “faults” or anything that she had done. He simply wanted to speak with reveal to her Truth that spoke to her heart. Her life changed in that moment when she realized that who she was speaking to was the Anointed One. The Truth was like a salve that healed the brokenness within her.

We are like that lady at the well....we come feeling broken and in need of a refreshing drink. Christ in you is the Way to the Source of the well.

So who is the Source? HE goes by many names: Abba, Adonai, Elohiem, Jehovah, Yahweh, Universe, God.

HE is simply Truth. HE is Spirit. HE is The One that has always been and will always be....without beginning and with no end. He is outside of time as we know it. He operates outside of every known law of physics as everything that we are aware of has been created by Him.

He is the source of life. He is what we comprehend as “energy” inherent power source. This Life Force – energy – is within you (the mystery of Christ in you, the hope of glory). It is the same force of energy that raised Christ from the grave. It has no limits and is beyond our finite comprehension yet it dwells within our physical bodies. How absolutely marvelous!

This Source, this Life Force-your Father, desires relationship above all else with you dear one. There is no need to be afraid of Him because HE is not out to punish you for your choices. Do you remember the story of Mary Magdalene and the woman at the well? HE did not punish either one of them. HE was compassionate and showed great empathy toward them. HE simply loved them as they were....just as He will do with you.

His Word tells us that there is now NO condemnation.

HE removes our sin from us as far as the East is from the West.

HE has forgiven each and every sin, washing us as white as snow.

HE tore the veil from top to bottom at the moment Christ died, removing all perceived barriers to Him.

HE gave each of us the ability to create...our thoughts/words are the paintbrush

HE gave us the freedom to choose our steps/choices which determine our path.

HE tells us to not be afraid.

There is no barrier between you and Yahweh, your Creator.

You are meant to be in a continual conversation with Him (pray continuously) as HE tells us that His sheep know His voice.

You are called to simply “be” who you are with no other expectations of any other purpose while here on this earth.

So who are you?

You ARE the beloved of Yahweh.

You ARE His righteousness.

You ARE Co-Heir with Christ.

You ARE holy as He is holy.

You ARE spiritual energy, created in His image.

You ARE a spark of Divinity shining in the darkness.

You ARE more than you realize and have been taught to believe.

There are no barriers between you and Yahweh, your Source.

You are a unique spiritual being who has much to offer this yourself!

Do not make it more complicated than it needs to be dear one.

You “be” You with all of your perceived quirks and flaws!

Be your authentic self...that messy, beautiful, spontaneous, delightful ball of energy!

Do not worry about all of the things you think you need to “do”.... Simply “BE” who you are.

It's okay to be you!

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