Monday, December 2, 2019

The Power of Joy

Christmas time used to be my absolute favorite time of the year. I would decorate on November 1st and play Christmas songs for two months solid. The holiday was once my “happy” place because it brought me much Joy. However, over time, that feeling slowly eroded and the strength to hold on to it began to weaken with every crashing wave that slammed into my days.

This morning, a memory popped up in FaceBook. That memory was something I wrote four years ago about “JOY”. In that post, I wrote about what I had discovered about is amazing to me to read these FB memories as it reveals the mastery of My Father in Heaven and the patience, gentleness and skill that He has in revealing to our hearts what our spirit knows to be true.
I had always believed that if I truly wanted to know the truth about something, all I needed to do was ask my Father to show me. Yes, I know how that sounds to most people. Nonetheless, it was a belief that I held because well....because that is the relationship that He and I forged over the years – a radical, risk-taking type of faith in Almighty God and His abilities.
On this day, four years ago, God took me on a treasure hunt through His Word that lead to the discovery of the meaning of “JOY”. This is what was revealed:
The Bible tells us that Joy is our strength. A few questions arise......1. Where did mine go? 2. How do you get it back? 3. What is Joy anyway?
The best definition of Joy I could find was this one: Darkness Dispelled; the light of everlasting life lit up in the soul. YES, this made more sense than the meanings in other dictionaries of an emotion of great happiness, blah, blah, blah...
Darkness dispelled....okay, what does dispelled mean?
It means to make(a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear or end; to drive away/off, get rid of.
Darkness is the partial or total absence of light; reflecting only a small fraction of light; unknown or concealed, lacking knowledge
Nice but what does this mean? To me, this morning, in the middle of this hurricane I have come to know as 'life' simply means this.....
Joy is not a feeling or an emotion as they come and go, sometimes not easily controlled. Joy is not the same as being happy or happiness, although happiness can be a result of Joy.
Joy then is a choice. The Bible tells us that God gives us this choice....I have set before you Life and Death, Blessings and Curses, therefore, choose Life (Deut 30:19) Yes, Joy is something that we make a conscious decision of choosing, every day and sometimes every moment.
Joy drives away lack of knowledge and reveals God's mystery.
Joy drives off the overwhelming feelings of doubt and unbelief.
Joy makes the darkness in our souls, our minds and our hearts disappear.
Joy is a tool in God's arsenal to set us free to shine in a dark place.
Christmas is the season of JOY! Hearts are open and looking for that "goodwill toward men" that we sing about... It is not found in the songs or decorations or destinations of the season, but rather in the manger. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world!
He is the light that drives away the darkness and makes our fears disappear.
Joy....the light of everlasting life lit up in the soul.
In my search for the meaning of Joy, I have been reminded that I have a light which resides "in my heart", lately this light has not reflected the fullness of the everlasting life in my soul....and yet God has gently reminded me this morning that it has been my choice to allow the light to grow dim - and it shall be my choice to let His light shine once again.
Life will continue to be challenging - the waves will continue to crash....BUT the darkness has been dispelled this morning! Not only can there be Joy in the journey....there is Hope that the storm will one day come to an end.
So this morning as you go about your reminded that it is in our choices that we shall uncover true Joy and regain our strength for this journey.
On this day four years ago, I chose to take the path that would uncover true Joy so that my strength would be regained...and my Father has been beside me every step of the way. During this journey, He has revealed many things that had stolen Joy from my life. He also revealed how to recapture what was stolen!
Joy.... Darkness Dispelled; the light of everlasting life lit up in the soul.
Even though the path has been exhausting in all ways, I am forever grateful to my Father for revealing how and why it had almost been extinguished. His gift to me this Christmas has been the restoration of the Joy that is found in relationship with Him.
He has dispelled the darkness within my soul making the feeling of doubt and fear disappear. In their place, my Father has revealed a place with unsurpassed Peace that calms the soul like that of a lullaby. In this place I have rediscovered Joy.
The Joy of Lord is a powerful force! Joy is a tool in God's arsenal to set us free to shine in a dark place; sometimes this dark place is our own mind. My journey has taught me just how easy it is for the enemy of our souls to dim the light within...he challenges our mind, just as he did with Eve. He plants the seed of doubt and if we are not careful, we will allow the seed to take root and grow. This doubt will challenge our belief in God and His abilities thus chipping away at our faith. In essence we become the “ye” in “Oh Ye of little faith...”.
This journey has taught me not to focus on that which I feel I have lost...No, He whispers ever-so-gently to focus on all that I have received and that He has freely given.
Feelings...they come and go with the strength of the winds that brought them BUT Joy...Joy wraps you in an embrace of Peace as it reveals the heart of the Father and whispers to your spirit “...All is well...”
May you allow God to dispel your darkness this Christmas season....may you choose “JOY”

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