Daniel chapter three tells the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I have heard this story many times and even read this story a few times myself. Today, however, something small – yet very powerful – was made known to me; this little detail is one of the key points to this story.
Has this every happened to you? You think you know a story in the Bible and one day God simply opens that story up to you on a whole new level. This morning was one of those moments!
Three men - a super heated furnace – One God
I am sure you have heard the story; these men refuse to worship a false God – they are bound and thrown into a super heated furnace – four individuals are seen in that furnace, loose and walking about – the king calls for them to come out - three walk out of the furnace - not harmed in any way by the fire
Did you catch the little detail? One little word..... LOOSE
The three were bound; they were tied up; they were chained; they were not free when they were put into the fire. Yet IN that fire, their chains, their shackles, their binding fell away.... They were set free IN the fire.
To go through some fires will take great faith, for little faith will fail. We must win the victory IN the furnace. (Margaret Bottome)
Sometimes it is in the very trial that we beg God to deliver us from that God sets us free IN. The trials that require a great faith seem to be the ones that bring the most Glory to Him. Those three men went into that furnace as prisoners yet came out of that furnace set free! Their faith in the ability of God was the catalyst for a king to declare that their God was THE One true God. Their faith brought Glory to God.
What trial are you facing? What trial are you pleading with God to deliver you from?
Could it be that this trial is the very thing He uses to set you free?
Faith is strengthened IN the trial. Green Gumball Faith is formed in the trials of your faith.
Today, be thankful that God is a God that walks with us while we are in the furnace.
Praise God that He looses us in the fire and sets us free!
Has this every happened to you? You think you know a story in the Bible and one day God simply opens that story up to you on a whole new level. This morning was one of those moments!
Three men - a super heated furnace – One God
I am sure you have heard the story; these men refuse to worship a false God – they are bound and thrown into a super heated furnace – four individuals are seen in that furnace, loose and walking about – the king calls for them to come out - three walk out of the furnace - not harmed in any way by the fire
Did you catch the little detail? One little word..... LOOSE
The three were bound; they were tied up; they were chained; they were not free when they were put into the fire. Yet IN that fire, their chains, their shackles, their binding fell away.... They were set free IN the fire.
To go through some fires will take great faith, for little faith will fail. We must win the victory IN the furnace. (Margaret Bottome)
Sometimes it is in the very trial that we beg God to deliver us from that God sets us free IN. The trials that require a great faith seem to be the ones that bring the most Glory to Him. Those three men went into that furnace as prisoners yet came out of that furnace set free! Their faith in the ability of God was the catalyst for a king to declare that their God was THE One true God. Their faith brought Glory to God.
What trial are you facing? What trial are you pleading with God to deliver you from?
Could it be that this trial is the very thing He uses to set you free?
Faith is strengthened IN the trial. Green Gumball Faith is formed in the trials of your faith.
Today, be thankful that God is a God that walks with us while we are in the furnace.
Praise God that He looses us in the fire and sets us free!
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