Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fitness....spiritual that is

Everyone knows that getting into physical shape takes determination, will power, exercise and diet; but do you know that getting into spiritual shape requires the same tools?  Yes, if you want to get yourself into shape spiritually, you will need all of these:

Determination - fixing or setting a purpose; act of discovering something
Will Power -  control of one's actions or impulses; self-control
Exercise - the act of carrying out the terms of an agreement
Diet - habitual nourishment

     The act of discovering something...yes, the path to spiritual health is a journey that will take you down the path of self discovery;  you will discover how God, the Creator of All things, sees you; you will discover the authority you have in Him; you will discover the promises of blessings that He offers; you will discover who you are in Christ!  That is the "something" you will discover if you have the determination to follow through and not give up.

Will Power:
     It will take great control over your impulses to continue on the path of spiritual growth but as  you go, you will learn that you are never alone :)  When you feel like you cannot take another step, stop and simply ask the Father to help you; you cannot do it on your own.  You will need to take the power over you will to quit...because you will feel like giving up, trust me.  The enemy of your soul does not want you to grow closer and stronger in the Lord so he will test you....he will push you to your limit and then push a little harder.  You will want to stop but do not give up or give it!  You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

     What agreement is there you ask?  Well, the agreement between you and God.  He did not send His Son to suffer in the flesh and die a horrible death just so that you can "skate by" my friend...God sent His Son so that you could have life and have it to the you could be made whole!  The journey of spiritual health includes you carrying out your portion of the must grow in your faith.  His Word without deeds is dead and to those that know what to do, and do not do it, it is sin.

      A habit of nourishing your mind with God's Word...He does say that we should renew our mind and we do this daily.  Reading His Word and praying should become our habit.  We feed off of the life giving words found in the Bible and He sustains us with His words as we pray. 
     Prayer is not complicated nor does it need to be mysterious.  Prayer is simply a conversation with a friend, that friend being God.  You reveal what is in your heart by being honest and He will speak to you...remember, a conversation is not one sided :)  He speaks to each of us differently but He still speaks to each of us.

So this journey of spiritual wellness requires the same tools as does physical wellness....are you ready to take the first step of your journey? 

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