Wednesday, November 30, 2011


A phrase kept repeating itself in my thoughts....My God will not be mocked...throughout the day this phrase just kept popping into my head.  This statement became like a morsel that needed to be chewed repeatedly to extract every last bit of nourishment from within it....

What does it mean?  What is 'mocked'?  Does this mean that God is never mocked?  Why did I get this tid-bit?  What lesson is in there?  The questions were almost as endless and the repeating phrase...I have heard teachings on this before; the lesson was something to the effect that it was not a wise idea to mock God because He would "get you" if you I ask...what kind of teaching is that?!?!?!   So I started to think about it.  What exactly does God mean when He says that He can not be mocked?   I knew just what to do with it....take it to God in the morning during my alone time with Him and ask why He put this in my head :)
  This is what I got...

Wait a minute...God has been mocked in the past as well as in current times!  But the Word says that God cannot be mocked...confusing, well, yes it was a bit confusing.  Okay, so I looked up the definition of mocked in the Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary; the definition is as follows:
Mocked = imitated or mimicked in derision; laughed at; ridiculed; defeated, illuded.
Derision = the act of laughing at in contempt; a laughing stock.

Yes, God has been laughed at...He has been ridiculed...and some even think He can be illuded.  Oh, you don't think so...think Jonah :O) So if God has been mocked then why does His word say that He in not???   I think the theological answer is that God will ultimately hold everyone accountable for his or her own actions, whether it be here on earth or when we stand before Him. Okay, the ultimate judgement at the moment  you stand before Him...yeah, I can see that but is there more?

This verse is found in Galatians 6:7    "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"  

A warning of sorts for those who call themselves by His name; a stern reminder to the followers of Christ that indeed, our actions are to be carefully considered!  We will reap what we sow....a spiritual principle that once put into action, well, the outcome cannot be prevented;  there are consequences for our actions.

A warning for those that are not called by His name....Yes.  Do not be deceived into thinking that your end will be anything other than a life without the presence of God IF you have chosen to live your life here on earth without Him.

But what if there is another implication?  What if it also implies to those who believe and are called by His name that when trouble comes, do not be deceived into thinking that you will be overtaken by it.  Do not be deceived....what you sow you will also reap.  If you sow a life of faith, trust and obedience you SHALL reap a harvest of blessings!  YES, you will receive blessings because God is not mocked my friend :)  It is a spiritual principle that works in the positive just as it does in the negative connotation.

I believe there are many, many people today that have been so deceived into thinking that things will never get better!  You are obey His are are compassionate...but your life just seems to be one storm after the other.  I have to ask you believe you deserve to be blessed?  Do you believe that good things can happen to you?  Or do you think that life will always be the same....that no matter what you do, your life will never change?

My friend...DO  NOT  BE  DECEIVED!  God is not mocked, for whatever a man soweth he shall also reap.  That is a promise from the Father and He is not a man that He should lie so take Him at His word :)

The Spirit - His Spirit - is in  you; He has taken up residence in you.  He cannot be mocked dear one.  Allow yourself to reap a harvest of blessings...allow yourself to be loved on by the Father...allow yourself to be free from the thoughts of shame, the feelings that you are not good are the child of the King and He is not mocked!  You must learn to see yourself as He sees you....learn to love yourself as He loves you...learn to trust in His promises that indeed, they are for you.

May you be set free from the prison of shame and begin to believe that you are accepted by the Father and His promises are for you....may you learn to accept the blessings that are yours....

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