Saturday, February 16, 2019

Vengeance vs Revenge

“Vengeance is Mine says the Lord”

Where does this quote come from?   Is it in the Bible?      If so, where?
Do you know, or even care about, the context in which these words were spoken?   To whom they were said or why they were uttered?      Does it even really matter?

Is it quoted as the entire verse?      Or has it been edited a bit for maximum effect?

The context of every verse in the Bible actually does matter....a great deal!

We, as believers, have been taught to listen to the pastor, minister, priest or teacher and NOT question their interpretation of a passage of scripture. However, the Bible teaches us to do the opposite of that; we are to search the scripture for ourselves. To simply rely on a mere man to seek God on our behalf is to revert back to a Pharisaical mindset....the mindset that Christ came to destroy.

Vengeance is defined by the Webster Dictionary as:
The infliction of pain on another, in return for an injury or offense.
Such infliction, when it proceeds from malice or mere resentment, and is not necessary for the purposes of justice, is revenge, and a most heinous crime.
When the infliction proceeds from a love of justice, and the necessity of punishing offenders for the support of the laws, it is vengeance, and is warrantable and just.

Deuteronomy 32:35
Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, in due time their foot will slip;

This is the verse that is referenced when people say...Vengeance is Mine says the Lord.
The context in this passage is God speaking of avenging His people, as a nation. This was a promise of the destruction of their enemies and oppressors. This is not referring to an individual seeking justice for the wrong done to them by another individual.

In the passage, God also shows that He has compassion for the sinner in that He wishes for their conversion. He is ready to help them as soon as they choose to help themselves. God, in His infinite wisdom, understands that the heart of man, left unchecked, is wicked. Therefore, God will check the nation on their evil behaviors, giving the nation the opportunity to change their ways. God has the power and the right to judge a nation...that vengeance is His.

For the individual, He tells us in Romans 12:18-19, to never take our own revenge but to leave room for the wrath of God. Okay, so we need to understand what revenge is if we are expected not to take our own.

Revenge is defined as inflicting pain or injury in return for an injury received; doing so contrary to the laws of justice and humanity. To exact revenge would then be one going outside the laws to inflict pain/injury as retribution for an injury received. This is not permitted nor acceptable according to God's Word. However, God has set forth commandments and laws to which individuals can be held accountable for their actions. It is via these laws that the individual heart is “checked” giving the individual the opportunity to repent, to turn from their wicked ways. This is yet another opportunity given to the evil-doer by a merciful God. God is all about saving the sinner through repentance, a changing of an evil way.

God is merciful. He has compassion on His creation. He is faithful to avenge His children. He is just.

In my study of the Word and the scriptures that tell us about God's vengeance, I believe that holding the individual accountable for their evil ways is showing them the love of God. Without this, the opportunity for repentance may never again be given to the individual and their soul may be forever lost.

God expects those who claim to be His followers to be held accountable for the wrong that they inflict. I believe this to be part of His Vengeance, wrapped in mercy, leaving room for His wrath.